Foreign Policy Magazine has published an article Dr. Keisha Blain and I coauthored "The Civil Rights Movement and Kamala Harris’s Foreign Policy." We argue that Black Americans have always sought international connection in service of promoting freedom, since the beginnings of the organized effort to obtain civic equity in the 19th century.
That international action resulted in a movement that saw the inherent dignity in all people and freedom as vital for all. Professor Blain and I explore this history and posit its impacts on Harris's thinking.
Take a look and let me know what you think!

Juliette Derricotte, educator, who was among the earliest Black Americans to return from India and lecture on Gandhian thought.

Howard Thurman's meeting with Mahatma Gandhi changed Thurman's life's work, and his influence on key figures of the 20th century civil rights movement was immense.

James Weldon Johnson at the Institute of Pacific Relations Conference in Kyoto, Japan in 1929